Fit for Purpose: Reimagining Workplace Influence for the 21st Century

Introducing the RISE Model of Influence - a new and innovative framework for developing positive workplace influence across all organisational levels. Rise builds a mindset and culture that is proactive, adaptive, collaborative, inclusive and mutually accountable; perfect for embracing Gen Z and for building employee engagement.

Implementing Sticky Change

Implementing successful personal or organisational change is challenging. The number of New Year’s resolutions that don’t make it to February, is an example of personal change that, despite the very best intentions, is notoriously difficult to implement.

Leading Culturally Diverse Teams

Effectively leading culturally diverse teams in the workplace is an essential 21st Century skill. It is no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have. Organisations have an increasingly diverse pool from which to recruit.

From Project Manager to Project Sponsor: Navigating the Transition

It’s not just turning up to the monthly status meeting and reading a report. A Project Sponsor plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of a project. We know from experience that a Project Sponsor can significantly contribute to the successful completion and delivery of a project.

Three Behaviours of a Highly Effective Leadership Team

High performing leadership teams adhere to a number of key behavioural expectations; ways of working together that differentiate organisational from functional leadership. In essence, there are three behaviours that put the collective goals of the team ahead of individual functional goals.

Beyond the Sale: Building Lasting Customer Relationships

Ever feel like you're herding cats when it comes to your customers? Imagine if you could truly understand their entire journey, from the moment they desperately search for a solution, to bragging about you to their friends like you're the answer to their prayers.

Development of Purpose and Values

Every organisation is different; people, size, culture, industry, context all have an impact on the way Purpose and Values are developed, so proposing a standard development process that is going to work for all organisations is not possible, or desirable.

De-spaghetti-ise your Thinking: Dr Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats®

The way we often think is, interestingly, quite mixed up! If you imagine a bowl of spaghetti with different strands of that spaghetti representing different modes of thinking, we generally have a lot going on when we express our views.

How to Implement a Leadership Competency Framework

Implementing a competency framework empowers organisations to measure the impact of their talent strategy, and build the kind of dynamic workforce that holds its value even when deluged by new challenges.

Engagement in a time of Quiet Quitting

Engagement may represent job satisfaction, belief in the organisation’s purpose, willingness to use discretionary effort, likelihood of recommending the organisation to others, or one’s tendency to think about quitting.

Why is your Strategy Sitting in your Desk Drawer?

We’ve all been there - a freshly minted strategy document, impressively bound, endorsed by the Board, sits there on your desktop, ready to drive your organisation toward the future to which it aspires. Fast forward and it now sits behind you on a shelf or buried in a desk drawer.

Transformational Leadership - The Leadership Circle

The Leadership Circle assessment has been completed by more than 460,000 leaders globally. It has the potential for a leader to not only develop exemplary leadership skills, but also to embody leadership that can create an envisioned cultural change for which organisations often strive.

Vision, Vitality and Values for Time and Self-Management

Do you struggle to keep up with your workload? Do you continually feel stressed? Do procrastination and lack of focus hound you? We all encounter overwhelming days in today's busy workplaces, filled with numerous tasks and commitments.

Why it's Still Important to Write Well

Despite all the recent brouhaha about the wonders of ChatGPT and the imminent AI-takeover of organisational communications, the art of writing with clarity remains a key competency if you value excellent communication with all your stakeholders - internal and external.

Setting Up Teams for Success: Development of a Value Proposition

Some of your team members might appreciate refreshed clarity about their team purpose, service offerings and how to more effectively work alongside each other, their customers and stakeholders, thus creating a new or refreshed team culture. 

People Capability - Five Key Questions

This article on people capability comes at a key time when businesses are struggling to recruit skilled staff. This isn't a new problem but has worsened in the last 2-3 years. Find out what you can do to manage this issue. 

The True Role of an Executive Team

One of the most critical distinctions that differentiates effective teams at an executive level is how they address the crucial Executive Team question: "What is it that requires us to come together interdependently and for which we are collectively responsible?"

Development of a Competency Framework

Research has shown that the returns for competency frameworks are significant; within one year, 50% of organisations see an improvement in organisational performance, and in 10 years, more than 80% see performance increases.

How the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team can Help with Culture and Wellbeing

Focusing on culture right now is one of the most powerful things an organisation can do. As you start the year off, the last thing you need is a ‘broken’ team culture – it’s hard enough to find and keep good people without having dysfunctional ‘noise’ impacting decisions for those good people to move on.

The Power of Storytelling in Business

Being able to share a good business story is an essential skill required by all leaders; just as important, if not more so, than more traditional leadership skills, particularly in times of change or when needing to inspire action.

360 Degree Reviews - How to Get it Right

360 reviews are in wide use as a tool to identify the strengths and development opportunities for an individual against a set of competencies and behaviours that are important in their role at work. The decision to use a 360 review process should be taken carefully.

What can we Learn from Leading with Optimism?

What is optimism? According to Seth Godin, author, entrepreneur and teacher, it is both an attitude and a choice that involves context and focus. Simon Sinek speaks about the importance of leading with optimism, especially during uncertain times.

Embedding Values in your Organisation

All organisations need to deliver on their promise to their clients, customers or other stakeholders. To do so they need to deliver on their promise to their people. Values, and their associated behaviours, are part of that promise.

How Do Your People Feel at Work?

For many people, going to work can feel like entering a war zone. New Zealand has one of the highest rates of workplace bullying in the world. Many employers and people leaders struggle with first identifying that there is a workplace bullying or harassment problem, and secondly what to do about it.

The Importance of Working Biculturally

When an organisation promotes bicultural awareness, it is reflected in its organisational culture and values. By creating understanding between the different cultures working together, an environment of inclusivity, equality and diversity is created.

Crafting an Effective Sales and Marketing Strategy

It seems completely logical to talk about ensuring that your sales and marketing strategy are aligned with organisation purpose. However, this is not always the case or easy to achieve. It can take time for an organisation to fully define its purpose.

How is your Learning Culture?

The learning culture in your organisation is a central player in enabling training and development to be successful, but before we explore learning culture, we need to understand what training success really means.

Pulse Surveys

In these dynamic times, what you know about your organisation culture, climate and employee experience may be completely out of date. If you want to find out what has changed for your people, an online pulse survey is the way to do that. 

Self-Awareness Diagnostics

Leadership development journeys generally begin with learners developing some self-awareness which helps them to focus on development opportunities that are going to make a real difference to their leadership practice.

How to Improve your Self-Management

Leadership starts with yourself – making sure that you’re personally well-equipped for the job and in tune with the demands, needs and issues of those you are leading and of the work that is expected of them.

Four Stages to Designing and Embedding Wellbeing and Resilience Programmes

Are you responsible for growing wellbeing and resilience in your organisation? This guide provides some information for Human Resources teams or anybody who is responsible for developing programmes in wellbeing and resilience (W&R) at work.

How to Improve Leadership in Organisations

Nowadays, leading people well trumps expertly managing tasks. A new leadership style is needed for business success – distributed, inclusive and collaborative leadership that invites and supports the team to participate in decisions, planning and actions.

How to Improve Teams using a Strengths-Based Approach

Decades of research has proven that when people are given the chance to do what they do best every day, the effect on individual, team and organisational performance is powerful. Most people, however, can't accurately identify their strengths and therefore can’t intentionally use them.

How to Grow your Emotional Intelligence

Science shows that feelings precede thoughts and behaviours, so the more adept we are at managing our feelings, the more effective we'll be in work and all facets of our lives. Essentially, EI is how someone manages their personality to be both personally and interpersonally effective.

Success Drivers for Leadership Development Programmes

The results are finally in, and, YES, leadership development programmes really do work... Not only that, but the drivers that make for successful leadership development programmes have now been identified.

Five Tips to Get the Best from Your Teams

If your teams are not zones of trust, collaboration and harmony, then you won’t be getting the effectiveness and results that you could. Perhaps it’s time for a change for the better? We have some tips to improve your teamwork and results. 

7 Leadership Practices to Boost Employee Engagement

The success of an organisation depends on the people who work for it. Motivated, engaged employees are the foundation for success, with highly engaged employees producing better business outputs, more loyal customers, fewer ‘problems’ and superior financial performance.

8 Tips to Maximise your Leadership Development Results

If you're investing in leadership development, you’ll want to know you’re going to see some real benefits at work. We’ve put together eight tips that will help to ensure your programme is robust and will produce results for your business.

Kirkpatrick Evaluation Proves Training Value

Since 2012, ODI has deployed Kirkpatrick Four Levels (R) in the design and evaluation of each programme it has delivered. Information about each of the four levels – L1 Reaction, L2 Learning, L3 Behaviour and L4 Results - has been collected in a consistent way across each programme.

How to Get Value from Coaching

One of the bigger 21st Century trends in learning and development is the increased use of coaching as a core component of development programmes. The weight of evidence is that coaching really does work.

Changing your Leadership Practices at Work

Changing your own leadership practices at work is central to increasing your impact on the practices of your team. And it is how you make an impact on the wider organisational culture; leading your organisation towards a universal leadership culture.

The Power of Authentic Purpose

Only when purpose is really clarified, can attention can be truly focused. Purpose is not a by-line or a marketing motto. It is the fundamental capture and sincere articulation of the soul of the business, but when it is found, it transforms everything.

Leadership and Organisational Development

Organisations exists to achieve pre-determined business outcomes; leadership exists to ensure the organisation can achieve those outcomes. Today, leadership can be characterised as having four hierarchical facets.

Impactful Crucial Conversations

Tough conversations can be one of the hardest yet inevitable parts of a leader’s job. Impactful crucial conversations can resolve conflict, deepen relationships, build strong and diverse teams, and keep ideas and creativity flowing.

How Organisational Culture and Climate Impact Training Success

Organisational Culture is ‘the way we do things round here’; it emanates from senior leaders and trickles down and through the organisation. It gets its character from the interests and actions of senior leadership; not what they say they will do, but what they are actually observed as doing.

Can you be an Effective Leader without a Growth Mindset?

Good training programmes for leadership provide a toolkit and support improvement in the skillset. However, they generally can’t change you from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset – you have to do that for yourself. 

Leaders and their Followers

As a leader, you are out of a job if there are no followers prepared and willing to follow you. That is self-evident at the extreme end of the spectrum - when your team resolutely turn its back on you and follows another leader - but it is at least…

The Importance of Coaching

A large part of being an effective leader at work is the ability to coach the people in your team. Most people, when asked, would say that they do coach their team members, but when they really understand what true coaching means, they realise that they actually don't coach. They…

How to Achieve Successful 360-Degree Reviews

Over the years we have completed quite a number of 360-degree review assignments for our clients - and we'd like to share some of our experiences with you.

Leadership Training that Really Works

Leadership training programmes will fail if they do not incorporate clarity about the leadership behaviours needed to improve organisation results, support for application at work, and measurement.

The PEAR Approach to Training

We've known for a long time that simply attending a training course is not enough to make a difference at work. Participants need to start the learning cycle before attending a workshop, and they also need to be supported after a workshop to apply what they've learned.

Achieving Desired Business Outcomes

How do you achieve desired business outcomes from training? This is a central question for any organisation and the answer lies in analysis, planning and design of learning solutions in conjunction with an experienced learning and development specialist.

How our Kirkpatrick Certification can Help You

The Kirkpatrick Four Levels® tools and methods make the connections between training and learning to changed practices at work and to improved organisation results.