Charlotte Brown or Tracy Hatton
We live in an increasingly complex world dealing with a broad spectrum of sudden onset crises and slow creep disruptions. Climate change, technology advancements, demographic changes and geopolitical shifts, among many others, are challenging how we do business.
Despite this, we have a tendency to approach business in a very linear fashion. Our processes, procedures and strategies are designed simply with efficiency rather than flexibility and adaptability in mind, eg our traditional approach to strategy development involves setting a goal and then identifying steps to achieve that goal. But what if things change? What if the conditions we had assumed are different? What if we are hit by a crisis? Efficiency can be the enemy of resilience in a changing business environment.
This workshop outlines how your organisation can plan to be adaptive in the face of change. It focuses on resilient strategy development, covering key elements such as flexible planning approaches, situation awareness, stress testing, and having a change-ready attitude.
A well-designed adaptive strategy will mean you always have a plan, no matter what the situation. In a crisis an adaptive, resilient strategy can mean you are able to quickly change direction and, better yet, take opportunities if they arise.
This workshop is best suited to those in your organisation who will help shape and drive your business strategy.
Learning Outcomes
Participation in this workshop will enable you to:
- recognise the value of an adaptable strategy
- identify the key stressors for your business
- create a strategy that can adapt to change and disruption.
- Situational awareness in our changing world
- Defining a clear purpose and values
- Creating possible futures to develop and test your strategy
- The core components of an adaptable and resilient strategy
- Working with others to develop and adapt your strategy
- Testing your strategy
- Creating a resilient team that can effectively enable your strategy